The Prime Minister’s Office
The Prime Minister’s Office is the administrative office of the Prime Minister. It is charged with preparing, carrying out and following up the tasks laid to the Prime Minister according to the constitution. It serves as secretariat to the Prime Minister and assists the Minister in his role as head of government by providing political, operational, administrative and juridical services.
Coordinating government policies
The Prime Minister's Office supports the Prime Minister in administrating the division of responsibilities between other ministries and has a role in coordinating government policies on convergent issue-areas.
The office also maintains the formal contact between the Government and the Løgting (Parliament), and Acts agreed upon in the Løgting enter into force, when the Prime Minister has signed them.
Government meetings
The office assists the Prime Minister in leading and coordinating the work of the Government, also by preparing, carrying out and following up government meetings. Once a week, the Prime Minister chairs Cabinet meetings at the Prime Minister's Office.